Popular Fourth Of July Family Traditions

Fourth of July traditions are a huge part of the holiday for many families. It is the perfect time to create lasting memories together while sharing gratitude and pride for America. Summertime is a strong season for nostalgia, with the warm weather, time with friends and yummy summer treats, but it’s also a great time to remember why we celebrate this time of year and the traditions that come along with it.
Fireworks Fun
Fireworks historically symbolize the day of our country’s independence and nothing matches the passion of patriotism like bright explosions in the sky. Some of the first 4th of July displays were actually shot from canons! Fireworks are an exciting and memorable activity for all ages and Noisy Planet reminds us that if you are celebrating with small children this year, there are steps you can take to make sure everyone safely enjoys the fireworks display.
Related: Disney Fireworks With A View
Patriotic Parades
Parades have historically highlighted American’s public display of affection for their country for and the gratitude for its independence since the beginning. Town parades are the perfect opportunity to come together as a community and it’s so fun to watch the excitement on the children’s faces when they line up to watch firetrucks and wave, all while building a lifetime of memories.
Food For All

Celebrating and bonding over food is an ancient tradition and Americans have been celebrating the 4th of July by indulging in food and drink with friends and family since the very start! George Washington was even known to have given his soldiers extra rations during the first Independence Day celebrations. Public dinners and parties were also held in the towns, which is what started the tradition of cookouts today.
Bonding With Family
The Fourth of July is the perfect time to create a Fourth of July traditions for you and your family to look forward to each year. A fun way to show your patriotic family pride is by creating matching shirts to wear together to the festivities, parade, or cookouts! Finding an annual arts and crafts fair to attend every year can also be a lot of fun and a great way to spend time keeping everyone busy while waiting for the evening fireworks.
Consider joining up to celebrate with another family this year and share each other’s traditions. Not only will you learn something new, but having another set of kids around to play can offer parents a chance to reminisce together about some of their favorite pastimes, keeping the day exciting for everyone!
Related: The Best Fourth Of July Vacations For The Whole Family
More About:Family Life