10 Halloween-Themed Date Ideas For Couples To Enjoy Together

The Halloween season is always incredibly popular and for good reason. For some, it’s a time to enjoy spooky moments. For others, it’s a perfect time to put on a costume and spend a significant amount of time with a loved one.
Below are 10 great Halloween-themed ideas that couples can take some time and enjoy together. Perhaps one will be enough to satiate your hunger for the Halloween season, or maybe you’ll just need to tackle all of them. Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain, you and your partner will never be closer after this.
A Murder Mystery

A classic murder mystery is always a fun Halloween-themed date idea that you can enjoy with a loved one. There are often so many different murder mysteries that you’re able to choose from during the Halloween season. They come in a variety of separate themes for you both to choose from and can be hosted at either a home or a theater/company. If you aren’t familiar with these events, the basic premise is that guests get together to try and solve a fictional murder case. Anything can be a clue, so it’s best to keep an eye out and look for the little things that might be of use. Oh, and there is also a high chance that these murder mysteries provide a wonderful meal for you to chow down on while solving a tough crime.

There is nothing wrong with keeping things a little simple as well. A good old-fashioned hayride can get the job done without much effort. Make sure that you and your loved one get comfortable for the ride and prepare yourself to just enjoy the views. You can get some beautiful pictures out of the experience and simultaneously be able to spend a lot of quality time with your partner. It might not be the most exhilarating date in the world, though that doesn’t mean it won’t be able to provide a great experience.
Corn Maze

Let’s stick with another pretty simple idea, a nice corn maze. Unlike the stationary hay ride that we were just talking about, a corn maze is an active date idea where you get to walk around and try to find your way through a labyrinthine of corn. This is one of those ideas that could perfectly work in a date situation due to the communication aspect of the maze. It also works great for Halloween as it is one of those classic fun events that only come around during this spooky season. You might even get lucky and find some other fun events inside or around the corn maze that you’re visiting as well.
Scary Movie Night

Halloween isn’t the only time that you can settle down and have a movie night with a partner, though it is the perfect time to watch some scary movies. A movie night that is themed to the movie that you plan on watching could be a very fun idea. On top of that, you might be able to plan a movie marathon of ONLY scary movies for you two to watch. It doesn’t matter what horror film you want to choose, the only thing that matters is that you get to be close to your loved one.
Also Read: Not Too Scary: 7 Movies That Are Just Right for a Date Night
Visit A Haunted House

Sticking with the Halloween theme, you can visit a haunted house. Haunted houses can seemingly be a maze full of random twists and turns that you can’t escape from. However, they are also filled with scares, frights, and terrors. Walking through the house with your partner allows you to enjoy a scary and entertaining time together while also bringing you together, both literally and metaphorically. A haunted house is a classic and fun event that everybody should experience at some point.
Pumpkin Carving Competition

Friendly competition has never hurt anybody. This time, you can get with your partner and create a pumpkin carving competition to bring you closer together. You get to visit a pumpkin patch and pick your two favorite ones from the litter, and when you bring it back home, you can have a little competition on who can carve the best. It doesn’t matter if you have a very unique and creative design, or if you stick to your basic jack-o-lantern face. At the end of the day, you will get to have fun with your partner and show off some creativity in the process.
Also Read: Cheap and Easy Decorations for Halloween This Year
Take A Ghost Tour

If you’re done carving into a pumpkin, there are a few options that are a little more serious. The first and most notable is a spooky ghost tour. You can book a trip and take a tour around all the haunted places in your area, perhaps you’ll even be able to communicate with a couple of ghosts yourself! You will be able to spend time with a loved one, try and communicate with ghosts, learn about the history of the city that you live in, and possibly even visit a few bar crawls along the way. A good ghost tour can provide enough excitement for a long time, and that’s what anybody is looking for.
Costume Party

While costume parties are usually talked about when there are large groups of people getting involved, it can also be fun with just you and a loved one. Perhaps you can spend a day with them just trying to create a fun matching costume that you both can wear. You can take time to build it all out yourself, or you can search around some stores to pick out the items that work best for both of you. Whatever you wind up doing, there is a lot of potential to be had with this idea. It’s a very big collaborative effort that can bring people together, and for a fun Halloween-themed idea, this hits the spot.
Create Scary Treats

Another at-home idea would be to whip up some treats, but not just any treats. The hope is that you and a loved one can brainstorm a few great ideas on some treats that you can make that are Halloween-themed. An example of this would be chocolate chip cookies, though you make them in a pumpkin shape in honor of Halloween. It doesn’t have to just be that, as countless ideas can be created with some time and effort.
Check Out: 5 Fantastic Halloween Recipes Everyone Should Try
Attend A Witch Museum

There are a few separate areas that feature beautiful witch museums, and all of them have educational resources and other historic notes that are sure to entertain, even if it doesn’t sound like it. A great example would be in Salem, Massachusetts, as they were famous for witches back in the day. You might not even know what a witch museum is, which is all the more reason for you to take some time and visit it with a partner. Who knows the history that you’ll learn, the laughs you’ll share along the way, and the fun that you can have with one another?
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