10 Superfoods Health Experts Swear By, and the 5 They Warn Against

Nature is filled with a variety of foods that can drastically improve your health and even heal you from certain illnesses. These are categorized as superfoods and are very popular with food experts. Contrarily, some foods are not suitable for good health. In this article, we’ll guide you about these superfoods that are endorsed by experts and some foods that they warn against.
Superfoods Endorsed By Experts – Blueberries

These tiny blue foods may seem like nothing but they are packed with a solid punch of nutrients including Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, and fiber. But most importantly, blueberries have an ample amount of antioxidants that tackle free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage cells and lead to diseases. Besides this, blueberries may also help delay brain aging and improve memory. You can take them for breakfast, as snacks, or in a smoothie.

This green leafy vegetable is a top health food and rightly so. Vitamins and minerals are abundant including Vitamins A, K, C, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, and more. Besides this, kale also has a good concentration of antioxidants. With these nutrients, kale has incredible detoxifying effects. It also helps reduce inflammation, which is a cause of several diseases including heart issues. Moreover, this green superfood helps improve digestion as well. Kale smoothies, kale chips, soups, and salads are a popular of consuming it.

American Heart Association recommends that you eat at least two servings of fatty fish, like salmon, per week for a healthy heart. This is because Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA. As these fats are not produced by the body, it is even more essential to get them through diet. With omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients like B vitamins and Vitamin D, Salmon helps improve heart issues and cholesterol, lowers BP, and prevents the making of clots in the blood vessels. Besides this, Salmon may also reduce the risk of cognitive decline and improve brain function. This food also helps your skin by keeping it supple.
Also Read: Baked Sesame Salmon: Recipes Worth Cooking

For anyone on a vegan diet looking to increase their protein intake, quinoa is a perfect source. This is one of those rare plant-based foods that has all the essential amino acids and a high protein content. This means you don’t have to break your vegan diet to consume more protein. Also, as quinoa has a high content of amino acids, it helps in growth, muscle repair, and energy production. Furthermore, it is also gluten-free but this food does not compromise on essential nutrients. Quinoa is also a good source of fiber and helps with digestion and bowel movement.

Avocados have a high concentration of mono-saturated fats which improve not just heart health but also eyes, skin, and more. This superfood also has carotenoids which are highly beneficial for eyes and can even reduce the risk of cataracts. The Vitamin C content in Avocados helps with collagen synthesis which in turn keeps your skin supple and looking young. The high amount of Oleic acid in this food is very effective in reducing inflammation. You can make Avocado toast, use it in smoothies, make guacamole, or add it to salads.

Almonds are another small but mighty snack that is packed with nutrients. Besides protein, healthy fats, and fiber, Almonds also have antioxidants. The combination of protein, fiber, and fats helps to keep you full for a longer period so you don’t overeat. Although, they have lots of calories, the fact that you feel full after it means you will eat less the rest of the day and this helps with weight management. Moreover, almonds help reduce bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol. This tiny snack also aids in keeping cardio health in check. The magnesium present in them also contributes to lowered blood pressure. Use them as a snack or as a topping for savory dishes.

Spinach is another green veggie on the list that is power-packed with vitamins, iron, folate, and magnesium. Spinach is an excellent source of iron which helps make hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen. It also has a high content of folate, which is essential for DNA synthesis and repair. This makes it a great food for pregnant women. You also get Vitamin K from spinach which is crucial for bone health as it saves you from osteoporosis. The high content of other vitamins like A and C helps the body boost its immunity and fight diseases. Try a spinach salad or a spinach soup for your next meals.

Turmeric is a popular Indian spice that has now become a beloved superfood globally owing to its amazing nutrient content. This spice has anti-inflammatory properties which help keep several health issues in check. The anti-inflammatory properties also help with joint health, preventing arthritis and osteoporosis. Moreover, regular consumption of turmeric also promotes a healthy gut and digestion. You can take it with milk, make tea, or add it to other dishes.
Sweet Potatoes

You can enjoy sweet potatoes regularly as a part of your balanced diet. They have a high concentration of nutrients including Vitamin A whose antioxidant properties help the body with its immune system and bone health. Vitamins A and C help with vision and skin health. You can eat them as mashed potatoes or make sweet potato fries.
Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is known for its high protein content as compared to the regular one. This means it takes part in muscle build-up, repair, growth, and other essential functions in the body. Moreover, the probiotics in Greek yogurt keep your gut health in check, improve digestion, and boost immunity as well. You can take it as a pre-workout snack or use it in smoothies.
Food Experts Warn Against – Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks like sodas and energy drinks you consume so much as full to the brim with added sugar. If you drink them regularly, you can become a target of serious health issues like heart disease, obesity, cavities, and more. Instead, drink water and herbal teas.
Also Read: 12 Surprisingly Sugary Foods and Drinks
Processed Meat

As per WHO, processed meat has a high risk of causing cancer. They also raise blood pressure and cholesterol leading to heart issues. Besides this, processed meat contains a high content of sodium which can lead to a risk of kidney problems and stroke as well. Go for safer and healthier options like lean meats, fish, and plant-based protein sources such as lentils and tofu.
Artificial Sweeteners

The long-term use of artificial sweeteners is harmful to your health. It can slow down metabolism and cause metabolic disorders which in turn cause weight gain. These sweeteners can also affect the gut bacteria thereby disrupting digestion and gut health. You should consider natural sweetener alternatives such as honey, maple syrup, and stevia.
Trans Fats

Trans fats increase your bad cholesterol and decrease the good ones. This can lead to heart issues as a rise in cholesterol blocks your arteries and even cause a stroke. These fats also contribute to inflammation in your body. Fried food, baked food, and packaged snack foods like chips, all have a high content of trans fats. You can avoid these by cooking at home, reading labels, and choosing healthier options.
White Bread

White bread is made after undergoing lots of processing. During the refinement, all nutrients, minerals, and fiber are stripped off. All that is left is a high dose of starch. Moreover, white bread has a high Glycemic Index (GI) which means that the sugars in this food get digested quickly and lead to a spike in blood sugar. So, this can further cause issues like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Lack of fiber in it also means that white bread can cause constipation and issues with digestion.
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