Can Pets Improve Your Health?


Dogs may hold the title of “man’s best friend,” but cats and other pets are pretty stellar companions too:

For anyone who has ever owned a pet, the joy, entertainment, and love they bring are undeniable.

But the big question is, can pets improve your health? And the answer is yes.

Thousands of years ago, humans and animals lived, worked, hunted, and played together.  They teach us compassion, patience, and to have fun.

Playing and interacting with our pets enriches not only our lives but also our health.  Medical science, more than ever, understands the growing evidence pets provide for all of us.

For instance, the friendship of pets is especially important to people living with depression or other mental health problems:

In an analysis of 17 different studies, researchers found that pets provide comfort; alleviate worry, loneliness, and isolation.  They also increase physical activity and provide a distraction from symptoms in people with mental illness.

Are pets for everyone?

Obviously, not everyone can or necessarily should have a pet.  But for those who can and are contemplating what pet to get, consider what kind of pet would be best for you:

Why pets provide health benefits?

Research has shown that human-animal interaction involves a number of positive health benefits. Pets give us so much more than just their love and devotion, they can literally be giving us the gift of health.  Here’s how:

Are there downsides to pet ownership?

There can always be a potential downside to owning a pet.  Before you invest in getting one consider if you have the time and can afford to care for a pet.  All animals will need to be fed, housed, groomed, and taken to a veterinarian regularly.

Pets, particularly dogs, will need proper training so as not to become unruly or hard-to-handle animals. Untrained pets can do damage to a home, or inflict human injury from scratches or bites. Pets can also be a fall hazard for anyone who accidentally trips over a pet, resulting in broken bones and a long recovery.

If you decide pet ownership is the right choice for you, have fun picking out the perfect pet providing hours of entertainment but also multiple health perks as well. 

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