From Seed to Plate: The Top 5 Easiest Vegetables to Grow Indoors and Out

Credit: Unsplash

Everyone at some point gets the calling to grow their own vegetables. Whether out of necessity or part of a global movement to be more self-sufficient:

The best way to achieve this calling is to pick the easiest vegetables to grow. Because if you don’t, you’re destined to struggle.

FACT: Starting a vegetable garden, whether on your own property, an allotment, or a community garden, can be really simple if you pick the right vegetables to grow.

So if you’ve got somewhere to plant, swipe down to see the 5 easiest vegetables to grow:

Spinach, 40-50 Days To Harvest

Credit: FamilyProof

Cucumbers, 48-65 Days To Harvest

Credit: FamilyProof

Lettuce, 65-80 Days To Harvest (Depending On Type)

Credit: Unsplash

Green Beans, 55-65 Days To Harvest

Green Beans
Credit: Unslpash

Radishes & Carrots, 60-80 Days To Harvest

Credit: FamilyProof

What Is Direct-Sowing Of Seeds?

Credit: Unsplash
I’m Duane Beckett, a father, grandfather, and a man who’s lived through the highs and lows of parenting and ... More about Duane Beckett

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