8 Laundry Hacks That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

Laundry Hacks
View Looking Out From Inside Washing Machine Filled With LaundryCredit: Adobe

Laundry is just one of those chores that everyone dreads. Wash, dry, fold, and then do it all over again. Oh, and having a couple of kids only adds to the task at hand, transforming an hour’s worth of work to several hours at a time. Needless to say, laundry falls under the category of “housework” for a reason.

“There is very little reward in doing the laundry, aside from the obvious—clean clothes,” says Jeanie Engelbach, owner and founder of New York-based interior design and professional organization company, apartment Jeanie. “Unlike organizing a closet or rearranging the kitchen cabinets, you rarely experience the elation that comes from completing this task.”

The good news: It doesn’t have to be a task you can’t stand—or one that takes you forever. To help streamline the process, we reached out to expert organizers for their best-kept tips and laundry hacks, and what they shared is super helpful. So, ready to spend less time with your washing machine and more time doing things you enjoy?

Delegate Laundry Responsibilities

Delegate laundry responsibilities
Credit: Adobe

Don’t do more loads than you can manage

Credit: FamilyProof

Use a Timer to Keep Track of the Process

Laundry Timer
Credit: FamilyProof

Speed things up with a towel

Towel in dryer
Credit: Adobe

Make Use of Mesh Bags

Mesh Laundry Bags
Credit: FamilyProof

Designate laundry-only hangers

Credit: FamilyProof

Use Dry-Erase Markers to Make Notes

Credit: FamilyProof

Store All of Your Laundry Supplies Together

Supplies Together
Credit: FamilyProof

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